Friday, January 16, 2009

Sick and tired of being sick and tired!

So, many of you know that we are/have been sick for a while now. If it's not one kid it's the other, or it's one of us, I have decided to kick it. So, here's to getting out the bleach, Clorox, Lysol, and PineSol tomorrow and scrubbing up my house til it sparkles.

Hopefully that will also help clear my head and help me focus on getting my work done early, getting dinner on the table on time each day, and keeping my dishes clean (I did finally get them done with Adam's help today mom...I think you were worried b/c I actually described the condition of my kitchen to you!)

On a very important note also, I have decided to reward myself for all the house work (and because I worked my fanny off last month and just got paid) by getting in some good old fashioned shopping in, just for me! We'll see if can be just as fun taking the boys along, or if I'll have to wait for Adam to get home from work to go, but either way it will be out of the house!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ahhhh Boo Doo!

Well, for those of you who don't speak baby, and Mikey's specific baby language, I will translate...

Today we had a pretty normal morning, mommy trying to get her work done (and late as usual, sorry mom), the boys eating breakfast and very contently playing with toys and watching Go Diego, Go! (P.S. Mikey was in his exersaucer which he loves and we just call the show Diego, it's J.D.'s favorite.)

So, anyway, to the abnormal part, Joshua is sick and pooped through his diaper all over the floor of the upstairs playroom in spots. So, I cleaned that all up, gave both my boys a good scrub down in the tub, and fed them lunch.

Now comes the baby talk...we were in Joshua's bed getting them both settled down to go to sleep, and I told Joshua how big he was getting, and how proud I was of him, that he was so smart, and that I loved him very much. Then Mikey made a sound, I looked right at him and said well, I love you too Michael, and he said "Ahhh Boo Doo!", which of course at that time translated into "I love you too!" So, then of course we all had a good laugh and I told Michael how smart he was too!
...and afterwards I got both of my boys to take a 3 hour nap....AT THE SAME TIME! So, I am a really happy mom getting her work done early, and loving my kids, despite the poops. Michael did wake up about 20 minutes before Joshua did so I got to play with him again, and he started making those way cute sounds once more!
I really do love being a mom, even though at times I get down on myself and don't do the best job I can. I also just wanted to add in here, that no matter what your situation or someone else's it is good to remember to do your best and know that the Lord always is there making up the rest for you...thanks for all the spectacular examples of near-perfect moms, friends, sisters, and family! You all are great, and just keeping going!